Our podcast is for all the creatives who dare to dream big, get messy, and keep going—even when the journey’s uncertain.
Season 3 airs Wednesday February 26th.

Defeat Competition for Lasting Success with Rune Månsson
Art You Crazy sits down with commercial VFX Supervisor, Rune Månsson, who’s on a mission to combat toxic competition within the VFX industry.

How to Organize Your Workspace for Max Creativity
The creative process itself might be messy, but that doesn’t mean your workspace has to be a pigsty too. A tidy and organized work area both reduces internal anxiety AND helps to amplify your creativity, helping you be more productive. Win-win!

How To Carve Time For Your Dreams
It’s true that successful people in any field MAKE time for their work. But as creatives, we sometimes find ourselves over-committed to a 9-to-5, not to mention juggling everyday pressures of life, love, family and finances.

How to Make & Keep! Friends as We Age
Have you ever felt like it’s much harder to make new friends and keep them the older you get? Between work and family obligations–and the time dedicated to pursuing your creativity or art–life can suddenly start to feel a bit less joyful or expansive with fewer friends around.

Why Your Art Is Begging for a Vacation
As self-made artists, it’s necessary to have a strong, determined work-ethic. But when all you do is work, work, work, you don’t just risk burning yourself out–you risk burning your creativity out, too.

What Is Creative Freedom?
Can artists be truly creatively free while collaborating with others? Or is “collaboration” just a nicer word for “compromise”?

Reclaiming Your Path with Andi Cabello
In a twist on our usual theme, Tessie and Erin speak with former actress-turned-psychotherapist, Andi Cabello.

Some Projects Die for Others to Flourish
It’s sad but true: not every creative project we take on is destined for great things. But how we move past the grief of letting it go–or even if we are ABLE to let it go–can determine much about how quickly and resiliently we rebound with new work.

Is Money the #1 Reason You're "Crazy"?
Let’s face it: as a creative, you’re not always sure where your next paying gig will come from. (In fact, it’s probably the #1 reason most well-meaning people call creatives “crazy” for pursuing their art!)

The Courage to Connect with Kyra Peralte
Art You Crazy? sits down with Kyra Peralte, founder of The Traveling Diary, a community of women+ who share their personal experiences with each other by mailing an old-school notebook from person to person and handwriting their diary entries.

Is Your Partner Killing Your Creativity?
Everyone wants a partner that supports what they love and do. But it's even more crucial for creatives, who can often face an onslaught of misunderstanding and judgment from society, friends and even family.

3 Ways you sabotage your own success
In pursuit of a creative life, the biggest blocker that will ever stand in the way of your success is yourself.